These Derma Treatment Oils help relieve stress and fatigue and leave skin soft and satin-smooth to the touch. Contain almond oil preserves hydration and nourish the skin. Natural botanical essential...
RM198.00 RM308.00
✔Perfect for Acne, Blemish, Congested, and Oily skin✔Enhances skin tone and complexion✔Balance sebum production✔Reduces redness, inflammation and dryness Packaging:Acne Clear Essence 22mlAlso known as Congested Skin Balancing Essence, helps to...
RM198.00 RM270.00
Axioma 保湿系列旅行套装5件套特价优惠! 出门旅行最重要就是保湿和防晒啦!Axioma 保湿系列旅行套装5件內含: 1支50ml Derma Activating Toner1支10ml Hydrating Essence (Moist)1支10ml Repair Booster1支10gm Pore Refining Cream (H)1支10gm UV Protector (Tinted) Derma Activating Toner保湿化妆水和Hydrating Essence滋润型精华液,让肌肤水噹噹!配合Repair Booster,即时补水、长效保湿,防止肌肤敏感,再用Pore Refining Cream毛孔修复霜加强细致毛孔,。加上UV Protector 防晒保护霜.全脸内外一致地进行美白与修护,环境再恶劣,肌肤也一样水润水润! 以上价格已包括运费。机会难得,尽早购买,以免向隅!Packaging...
RM88.00 RM98.00
Caremeleon Lip Balm 让你一膏两用Axioma 特别研发 的 Caremeleon Lip Balm主打“可以吃的护唇膏”!除了是护唇膏以外,也可用作口红或腮红因为它根据温度变色.❌无色素❌无香精采用天然植物油:绣线菊油:富含Vitamin E, 具有抗氧化作用并保护嘴唇抵抗来自阳光的伤害硬胡桃籽油&甜杏仁油:滋润嘴唇和舒缓敏感症状阿拉比卡咖啡籽油:帮助胶原蛋白增生,抗老化,减少唇纹,淡化黑色素促销价:一支RM88 (原价RM 98) : 两支RM136(原价RM 196) 包邮‼️ 新的一年要到了,买给“她” 买给 “自己”,展现个人唇部与脸颊的色彩✅孕妇,小孩放心使用✅护唇膏天然成分制作,无添加香精,有植物油味道是正常现象 Caremeleon Lip Balm, 2 uses in a single stickThe Caremeleon...